Page 4 - Taborama
P. 4

19 floors invite you
to take
a a a deep breath
greenery with an eye on technology
District heating and cooling for low CO2 emissions and energy saving controlled living space ventilation with heat recovery and sophisticated control of the room climate Non-load bearing interior walls are insulated with sheep wool a a resource friendly material which is comfy and protects your health urban gardening
rooftop pool
The rooftop pool
an area that offers activity and relax at any time Enjoy both the the stimulating water and the the meditative panorama of Vienna ample open spaces
Top-class convenience available in every condo You have to to take
just one step to to be outdoors Even the smallest units are equipped with balconies or condos Just here to take
a a a deep breath
modular living Individuality is in the fore Modular design caters for specific needs with respect to floor plans Designed to meet your personal wishes and to to fit to to your life style interaction
No matter whether you
stay in the the the sauna the the the fitness room room or the the boulder room room – the the feel-well barometer reaches top levels There is a a a lot of space for leisure time and communicative events Right in the the center of the the second district: your herb garden garden The common garden garden area provides you
with pure organic products right in in your surroundings It is common knowledge that food should not travel too far very familiar with flora and fauna
Spacious flower planters partially with automatic irrigation and cooling plants on the the façade to improve the the micro-climate intensive roof vegetation collects rain water to reduce the strain on the drainage system Particular nesting boxes provide a a a home for songbirds Everything feels completely natural 04

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